June 24, 2024
Press Releases

Subscription Warrants of Series TO2 Subscribed to Approximately 63.5 Percent and Rightbridge Ventures Group AB (publ) Receives Approximately SEK 1.3 Million After Offsetting Debts of SEK 3.5 Million


Rightbridge Ventures Group AB (publ) ("Rightbridge" or the "Company") announces today the outcome from the exercise of subscription warrants of series TO2, which were issued in connection with an issue and loan financing during the fourth quarter of 2023. A total of 205,816,260 subscription warrants of series TO2, corresponding to approximately 63.5 percent of outstanding warrants, were exercised for the subscription of 205,816,260 shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.0234 per share. 148,553,446 of the 205,816,260 subscribed shares pertain to the offsetting of existing debts from shareholders. Through the exercise of the subscription warrants of series TO2, Rightbridge receives approximately SEK 1.3 million before issuance costs.


The exercise period for the subscription warrants of series TO2 ran from June 3, 2024, to June 17, 2024. The subscription price per share when exercising the subscription warrants of series TO2 was set at SEK 0.0234.

"I am very happy and grateful for the great interest our shareholders have shown. We have strong shareholders who believe in the business, have converted debts, and thereby strengthened our balance sheet," comments Claes Kalborg, CEO of Rightbridge.

Exercised subscription warrants have been replaced with interim shares (IA) pending registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The conversion of interim shares into shares is expected to occur within approximately three (3) weeks.

Number of Shares, Share Capital, and Dilution

Through the exercise of subscription warrants of series TO2, the number of shares in Rightbridge increases by 205,816,260 shares, from 648,464,976 to a total of 854,281,236 shares. The share capital increases by SEK 2,058,162.6, from SEK 6,484,649.76 to SEK 8,542,812.36. For existing shareholders who have not exercised any subscription warrants of series TO2, the dilution amounts to approximately 24.09 percent of the number of shares and votes in the Company.

For further information, please contact:

Claes Kalborg, CEO

Phone: +46 73 444 55 07

Email: claes.kalborg@rightbridge.se

Mads Jorgensen, Chairman of the Board

Phone: +45 28 97 15 75

Email: mvj@bluehorizoninvestment.com

This information is information that Rightbridge is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 15:00 CEST on June 24, 2024.

Subscription Warrants of Series TO2 Subscribed to Approximately 63.5 Percent and Rightbridge Ventures Group AB (publ) Receives Approximately SEK 1.3 Million After Offsetting Debts of SEK 3.5 Million

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